2nd annual Generative AI summit

I’ll be speaking about the take of two worlds: increasing capability and (the perceived) lagging industry adoption. An impatient investor crowd, and the upcoming Gen AI native products. Im here to set the tone for the conference of cautious and pragmatic business reality.The successful projects for us are driven by business ambition and customer value, just reflected or enhanced through intelligence.. including Gen AI.

Very few use cases are purely problems of Gen Ai or related technologies; they mostly blend into other systematic approaches and add to these especially in the customised and scalable communication.

Last year, I opened the keynote by talking about AI capability and adoption (or lack thereof) in Australia. I talked about the importance of recognising both the spectacular capability of these systems, their flaws, and the tricky social context in which they have arrived. (Eg we can't think of a happy world with AI in it)One year on, its possibly more of the same.

More models, more types of capability, more use cases.. but still slow adoption, still a sense that there is gold in the AI hills, if only we can get aligned, and dig in the right place. We are not so much panicked (anymore) about super intelligence, nor its potential to displace us, but now we are instead getting to know these models, and figuring out how we could and should adopt them.For most organisations, they have looked at use cases, explored individual products (eg co-pilot), and have come to their conclusions.

For many, its not enough to commit to a wider AI agenda (yet!), and for others, its a question of priorities and timing. In speaking to executive teams and boards, the missing piece of the puzzle isn't data, its really about the need for a systematic and identifiable process. Once you have that workflow / process, you can start to attach relevant technologies to it, and from that, you can start to move faster, and start to really scale your business with customisation, intelligence, predictability, and business value. If we call it AI, Gen AI, ABC AI.. it really starts with business value, and then an intelligent and thoughtful way of delivering that.

My friend Simon Kriss and I will share the stage for a fun 'Human vs AI in the loop' debate.. and hold a fun masterclass the day after the conference. Couldnt think of a more fun person to share the stage with!

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